All about dandelions article contents…
Every springtime in temperate climates dandelions deck fields, meadows, lawns, yards and gardens, with a sunny yellow blanket of bright flower heads. Much to the delight of children, they also throw up tufty seed heads that scatter with the most gentle breeze. But did you know dandelions are chock full of benefits?
My favourite childhood drink was dandelion and burdock pop, yet strangely I never associated it with this wild plant. Those were the days (at 6 years old) when we had it delivered to the door – I’ll never forget that refreshing taste as I gulped down a full glass, after an afternoons work of making mud pies and wild rose perfume. And… how we used to blow the Dandelion seed heads playing the game of ‘he loves/he loves me not’ for a bit of harmless fun… haha – back in the day!
Health benefits of dandelions
Dandelions are born survivors
If you mention dandelions you’ll hear plenty of complaints about how they keep popping up everywhere in the yard and how difficult they are to control.
Yet, dandelions are born survivors, they keep popping up again and again and again. It’s often those little, down trodden beauties that bring us the most wonderful gifts.
So what is a dandelion?
The dandelion is a wild flower with bright yellow flowers and tufty white seed heads growing from a hollow milky stem. They have a thick tap root that makes the perfect coffee substitute, whilst their leaves form a rosette shaped platter of highly nutritious leaves. Each part has a beneficial role to play for nature, animals and people. The dandelion is a an excellent all rounder in terms of health benefits.
Where does the name dandelion come from?
The name dandelion come from the French word dent de lion, which translates to lions teeth. When we take a closer look at their saw shaped leaves, it all makes perfect sense.
How do we eat dandelions?
The flowers are edible both raw and cooked, especially if you take the yellow petals off the bulky head (the head is much more bitter). Dandelion flowers have achieved particular popularity for their role in helping to create dandelion flower wine.
Leaves can be eaten just like spinach, raw in a salad, sandwiches, tossed in a stir-fry or soup.
Most people prefer to use the youngest leaves, since they can get very bitter as they mature throughout the season. One of the easiest ways to enjoy the benefits of dandelion is by making an infusion of tea with the leaves (either dried or fresh – see below).
Dandelions are also an excellent addition to a green juice.
How to make dandelion tincture at home
It’s much easier than you might think to make your own dandelion tincture at home. You just need some dandelion roots, leaves and flowers, some vodka and at least a month of patience to let it infuse.
I’ve written an in-depth tutorial on how to make dandelion tincture here:
How to make dandelion tincture at home
How to make dandelion tea
You can make dandelion tea with either the yellow flower heads or with the leaves. I prefer to use the leaves, although it can look pretty doing it with flowers. The flowers taste more delicate whilst the leaves have an amazing this-is-really-doing-me-good taste!
- Simply infuse the flower heads or a handful of leaves in boiling water in a pot for at least 3 minutes (and for as long as you would like after that). If you have a tea infuser ball you can make it straight in your mug. I would tear about 5 leaves for one mugful.
- Use a strainer to pour a cup of tea and sweeten if desired (or enjoy it as it is if you like a a herby hit, like me).
- You can usually buy dried dandelion leaves from a good health food store or herb shop to be used as a tea infusion.
How to make dandelion coffee from scratch
The roots are frequently used as a convincing coffee substitute. I am not really a coffee drinker myself, so I can only comment on what I’ve heard from friends who have used this.
- Dig up the roots (which tend to be thicker later in the season).
- Scrub clean (but don’t peel).
- Use a sharp knife to chop them up as small as you can. Spread evenly on a baking tray.
- Roast in the oven either on a low temperature over a long period or higher temperature until they’ve dried out completely (usually when they have turned a light brownish colour).
- When fully roasted, grind in a nut mill, coffee grinder or with a pestle and mortar and use as regular coffee.
- Or alternatively infuse like tea and then strain off the ground root before serving.
It’s worth noting that some people grind – some people don’t. Explore, experiment and just do what you find works best for you. You can also cheat and buy pre-ground dandelion root in good health food stores in the alternative coffee section.
The many health benefits of dandelions – an overview
Dandelions have an excellent reputation as a detoxifier, blood cleanser, stimulant and digestive aid. They act as a liver tonic, removing toxins whilst stimulating the kidneys to ensure that toxins are rapidly eliminated. Bile is cleared out, promoting better digestion and discouraging the formation of gallstones.
While there haven’t been many clear and concise studies carried out on the health benefits of dandelions… traditional cultures including the North Native Americans and the European Celts successfully used these prolific wild plants for a myriad of different health benefits. I’ve outlined a few of the most commonly known uses here.
Dandelion leaves act as a wonderful diuretic. Their high levels of potassium means that any of this essential nutrient flushed out in the urine is easily replaced (potassium depletion is a common side effect of more conventional diuretics). Dandelions cause great relief for fluid retention issues, especially around pre-menstrual-tension, kidney problems or high blood pressure.
Acne and skin problems
Since dandelion acts as a diuretic, detoxifier and anti-oxidant, the juice or tincture can help stimulate and regulate the system to remove the build up of toxins that cause acne. Applying the milky dandelion sap directly can also act against microbial skin infections (but be sure to avoid the eyes). It is believed that the sap found in the hollow stem has good anti-fungal, germicidal and insecticidal properties. This milky white sap can therefore be used to treat skin infections, like eczema and ring worm and especially those diseases caused by microbial and fungal infections. It can also relieve itchiness from bites and stings.
Bladder Issues
Dandelion is a brilliant tonic for the bladder and urinary tract with its ability to cleanse and flush, whilst acting as an anti-microbial to promote a healthy urinary system. It works well on bladder infections like cystitis.
Liver and Gall Bladder
The roots work particularly well to help improve digestion and elimination. This often has benefits for arthritic conditions, gout and skin diseases.
Rubbing the fresh sap on warts every day, over several weeks is said be a painless and effective way of removing them altogether.
Highly Nutritious Superfood
Dandelions offer a potent gift of vitamin A & K, which are excellent at supporting blood health. Vitamin K ensures effective blood clotting, whilst vitamin A regulates blood cell growth. This wild plant also gives a good dose of Vitamin C and calcium to support good bone health. Eye health also benefits greatly from regular consumption of the plant, due to the nutrients lutein and zeaxanthin.
So all in all, dandelions make a regular appearance in my cuisine. They are a real gift from nature to support general health and wellness as well as specific conditions.
Dandelions are generally safe for most people, but if any doubt then please do look further regarding any specific health conditions that you might have or are already taking prescription medications.
Dandelion juice recipes
Immune Boosting Juices
Juices are an excellent way to benefit from dandelion leaves.
Super Immune Boosting juice 3 WAYS
Powerful Beetroot Dandelion Juice
Foraging for dandelions
For more about foraging wild foods and their benefits, please check out my article “Essential Foraging Guide for a Temperate Climate“.
Thank you for tuning in.
with love
Anastasia x
Thank you for posting this story. It is so true that animals communicate. I deeply respect them and their wisdom. Thank you to everyone who cares for Spirit. He is a very beautiful boy and I am glad that he has come to people who love and adore him.
Thanks very much I will try it .
Love your childhood connection with dandelions, Trinity 🙂 Childhood magic at its finest!
I use them quite often as well when in season and find it strange everyone battles dandelions in their yards… Maybe their abundance is nature’s way of telling us we need to consume more of them 😉
It is indeed so bizarre that they are battled with – couldn’t agree more. They bring such gorgeous colour too. Nature gives us exactly what we need… same with nettles 🙂