Magical Life of Salads: Beetroot Slaw with Tahini Dressing (recipe & sneak peek at course)

Move over limp lettuce and soggy cucumber... we want delicious, filling, hearty magical salads, and, we want them now 🤣! It's no exaggeration to say that I've spent my whole adult life getting excited about making good salads. Whether I am serving people on retreats (I am a plant-based retreat chef) or teaching others how [...]

Gluten-free Beetroot Slices – Beets & Chickpea Flour

That colour! Not only did I want something bright and cheery, but I also wanted something flavourful, something that holds together well, tastes delicious, keeps for a few days (or freezes), and serves both hot and cold. And then I invented a gluten-free beetroot flatbread with chickpea flour. Magic! I call it beetroot flatbread, but [...]
