My favourite green kale smoothie is happening in the Kind Earth Kitchen this week and I am thrilled to share my latest medley of super healthy deliciousness! Nothing like a superfood smoothie to get me excited. 

Currently nomadic, this month am finding myself staying in an absolutely gorgeous yurt overlooking the vast, green forests of Vancouver Island. Nothing like a bit of nature, good company and greenery to stir the soul.

I’ll be running a couple of conscious kitchen workshops here soon, but in the meantime, I am enjoying creating some delicious smoothies for myself and friends.

Pineapple green smoothie recipe with kale, avocado, hemp seeds and dates. By Anastasia, Kind Earth - vegan, gluten-free deliciousness

OK let’s talk about green kale smoothies

You can make green superfood smoothies with any old blender. If you have a high powered one or a nutri-bullet then you are going quickly get a gorgeously thick, creamy smoothie. You can however, make green smoothies with a regular, less expensive blender (although it would help to chop the kale into small pieces and use fresh rather than frozen pineapple – or if using frozen, allow it to defrost thoroughly first). If you blender struggles a little, then it helps to add more water to get it to blend more easily.

Green smoothies are an excellent way to pack a massive amount of nutrients into a glass. In this recipe, I’ve focused on getting a delicious taste, so that we can benefit from lots of highly nutritious foods (including kale) without it tasting bitter. I can safely say that we’ve hit the sweet spot of delectability here. 

Pineapple green smoothie recipe with kale, avocado, hemp seeds and dates. By Anastasia, Kind Earth - vegan, gluten-free deliciousness

A quick look at the superfood ingredients in this smoothie…


It delights me to put avocado in a smoothie. Not only does it offer a rich, welcomed creaminess, but it is also full of the healthy fats that we need for optimal health and wellness. 

Some of the most noteworthy benefits of avocado are its superfood, nutrient richness. Avocado contains an abundance of potassium (twice as much as a banana), copper, fibre and lots of vitamins B5, B6, K and C.

Its good plant fat helps to ensure healthy cholesterol levels, lowering the risk of heart disease. Avocados are thought to help keep the brain, eyes and blood pressure healthy. In addition, the large amounts of the plant phytonutrient polyphenols and flavonoids, work as an anti-inflammatory agent.


Kale is brimming with benefits. It is high in anti-inflammatories and antioxidants and supports detoxification. Kale is also rich in glucosinolates (known to help prevent cancer) and contains 16% more calcium than cow’s milk.

Kale is also excellent for vitamins and minerals. It combines nicely with the other ingredients in this smoothie, so that you don’t get an overly bitter ‘kale’ taste.

Hemp Seeds

Hemp is one of the most complete protein foods in the plant kingdom. It contains all 21 known amino acids essential for human health. They also contain natures perfect balance of the essential fats omega 6 and omega 3. These compounds have been shown to have a particularly beneficial effect on our health.

Hemp seeds are high in antioxidants, excellent for skin conditions and are generally all round superstars. You can read about them in detail here: All about hemp seeds.

Pineapple green smoothie recipe with kale, avocado, hemp seeds and dates. By Anastasia, Kind Earth - vegan, gluten-free deliciousness


The best-known benefit of pineapple is from the bromelain enzyme (I believe that pineapple may be the only source of this enzyme). Bromelain is said to break down complex proteins, which helps aid digestion. Bromelain is also supposed to have top-notch anti-inflammatory benefits and has been shown to help improve symptoms of arthritis.

Pineapple has a whopping great level of vitamin C. This is a vitamin that is known to help against the harmful effects of toxins and free radicals in the body. It also has high levels of manganese, various flavonoids, beta-carotene and other anti-oxidants. These are all excellent for boosting the immune system, preventing cancer and overall health and wellness.

The manganese in pineapple is also known for supporting and strengthing your bones. Pineapple contains an impressive amount of this mineral… in fact, one serving is said to contain up to 70% of your recommended daily amount of manganese.

Please do enjoy this quick video that I made for a visual guide on how to make this…


Pineapple green smoothie recipe with kale, avocado, hemp seeds and dates. By Anastasia, Kind Earth - vegan, gluten-free deliciousness

Green Superfood Pineapple Smoothie with Kale, Hemp Seeds, Avocado

Yield: 3 glasses
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes

A superfood green kale smoothie with pineapple, avocado, hemp seeds and dates.


  • 1 medium to large pineapple (about 5 cups)
  • 1 medium avocado
  • 1 large handful of kale leaves
  • 8 pitted dates
  • 4 tablespoons hemp seeds (hulled/shelled)
  • 250ml to 500ml water (1 to 2 cups)


  1. Watch my video above for a quick visual guide on how to make this.
  2. You can use frozen or fresh pineapple. If using frozen, let it defrost a little to make it easier to blend.
  3. Slice the avocado in half, take out the seeds and then scoop out the flesh.
  4. If your blender isn't strong then chop your kale leaves finely to help them process. Alternatively, if your blender is strong then you can put the leaves in whole.
  5. Add all of the ingredients to the blender.
  6. If you have a high powered blender you can get away with using less water. If your blender isn't very strong then it might help to add more water. It will be easier to blend if your pineapple is not frozen.
  7. Blend the ingredients for at least one minute or until blended smoothly. If the ingredients refuse to blend to start with because the ingredients are too thick, then use a spatula to scrape down the sides and blend again (repeat several times if necessary).
  8. Serve immediately in a glass or as a smoothie bowl.
  9. Enjoy!

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Pineapple green smoothie recipe with kale, avocado, hemp seeds and dates. By Anastasia, Kind Earth - vegan, gluten-free deliciousness