I could have sworn I was the only person in the entire universe who didn’t fit in. After 12 different schools as a child, I became an exceedingly good chameleon. I learned to skillfully ‘fit’ wherever I landed (i.e. mold myself, be really good at listening, be helpful, be excellent at putting myself last, make myself super useful, be superwoman – and repeat).
Fitting in is survival. Belonging, however, is what we all yearn for in our deepest soul. As I grew older I listened to others and found that ‘lack of belonging’ and loneliness has become a human epidemic.
Deep primal need to belong in all of us
In primal times it used to be simple. You were born into a village and you usually belonged. God help you though if you strayed, if you were different, if you threatened the cultural norm in some way, because you’d get thrown out for the lions. End of story.
The deep human need to belong is etched into our unconscious mind. It’s essential for survival. We are designed by nature for connection. Loneliness is a signal from the brain to tell us that something isn’t right.
Where loneliness begins
The thought of not belonging is so terrifying that most of us have configured our lives so that we know our place, even if we are not happy. It’s challenging. And that is where loneliness begins. As long as we are busy fitting our ’round-pegged selves’ into a square hole, we can’t ever truly be ourselves; and we can’t really communicate the things that are important to us. Nobody wants to be cast out of the tribe.
We armour ourselves. We hide our true feelings. We compartmentalise, cutting off from our deepest longings to avoid being hurt. We stay silent for fear of being persecuted or shamed. We disconnect from the connection that our soul yearns for – frequently masked with distractions, addictions, compulsive screen time, alcohol, drugs, over-eating, toxic spirituality – anything, anything, anything which fills the vast empty void of loneliness.
“Loneliness does not come from having no people around you, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to you.”
Carl Jung
The loneliest I’ve ever been
In 2017, I crawled up into a ball and felt broken. My world had crashed. Any faith I had in humanity was shattered. My marriage (to an ex army officer, turned spiritual guru) had cracked apart. My husband at the time acted with spiritual elitism, confusion, panic, and cognitive dissonance. I was exiled from my village (the spiritual community that I co-led). You see, for years, I’d been known for balance, stability, inspiration and shining brightly – but there is nothing like a breakdown to burst a few bubbles and sort the wheat from the chaff.
I am glad it happened to be honest. It shattered an illusion and changed my life in infinitely better ways. I’d become so lonely and isolated within my marriage and had nowhere to turn. It showed me that in times of advesity there are also good people who rise up and show you the biggest hearts and reach their hand into your black abyss and pull you out!
I turned inwards and cracked wide-open.
It was a turning point. Everything changed. My world fell apart.
Amazing ordinary extraordinary human beings who were open enough to feel the commonality of struggle that we all face at some time or another, as human beings appeared. ‘I see you’. To feel like I was a valid human being again – that was what I needed. To see the light of my soul reflected back to me in their eyes. For the first time in a long time, I was able to be myself. I will always see those people who reminded me who I was back then as angels – and human angels always show up somehow when we need them.
I’ve since learned that we all need validity in some way. We all want to belong, to know that we are enough. It’s normal and it’s human. It’s simple! And not only is it OK, but it’s essential, as I learned.
A deep sense of love and belonging is an irreducible need of all people. We are biologically, cognitively, physically, and spiritually wired to love, to be loved, and to belong. When those needs are not met, we don’t function as we were meant to. We break. We fall apart. We numb. We ache. We hurt others. We get sick.
Brene Brown
The internet – validation on steroids
With the explosion of internet, many of us have become increasingly disconnected from real-life connections. Social media is like validity on steroids! Carefully controlled to make you come back again and again and again for more approval, for more connection. A dangling carrot, with the promise of connection – often evading us, just enough to keep us hooked and hopeful for more. The internet can be an amazing tool, but most of it lacks soul. Studies show that social media is responsible for more loneliness and suicides than we can imagine. It’s been engineered in the same way that slot machines in Las Vegas have (no kidding – it has been covertly engineered by the science of addiction).
The internet has its place. I’ve learned so much from Google, but I am also so tired of finding out how to do everything last thing online. I want my mam to show me how to sew a zip on the purse I just made, I want my neighbour to show me how to change the oil on my car, I want the 83-year-old guy I pass in the woods every day to tell me how to grow a garden. Because that is where I get the connection and realness that my soul needs.
“I see you” – the art of authentic connection
I often work alone, so I naturally seek out situations where I have meaningful engagement with others. Recently, I moved to a new town (note: I originally wrote this article in 2019, and have since moved to another new town). Nobody knew me when I showed up in a quiet town in West Wales, yet I have felt more connection and community in a couple of short months than I did for over a decade living in my old town. Something shifted inside of me when I made authentic connection a priority.
I was volunteering the other day on my local nature reserve. Not only can I learn traditional skills there, but I am learning fascinating things; like how to track wildlife (did you know how a mallard duck quacks differently when there is a threatening otter in the vicinity?). I adore the realness.
Doing voluntary work has a multitude of layers for me. I feel inspired by my local nature reserve with its sparkling streams, rugged gorges, lush wetlands, and lord-of-the-rings-like woodlands. I dearly want to protect this precious habitation. Volunteering has the incredible side-effect of connecting me with people who also care about nature (and who seem infinitely more knowledgable than me). I feel like a child, hungry to listen, learn and be a part of something I believe in. There is a feeling that I am accepted. I feel seen and I feel valid.
On a daily basis, I can’t help but smile to everyone I pass. In return, people beam with delight. It is not uncommon that I will strike up conversation with strangers. ‘I see you’. Each person, each conversation feels like a spark of the divine… everyone has a story, everyone yearns to be seen, everyone wants to see the light of their soul reflected back to them with a kind smile.
An experiment in observing loneliness…
I tried an experiment… Instead of feeling mindless despair, every time I felt lonely, I decided to simply watch and notice it. It was so freakin’ hard to start with. I desperately wanted to fill the void. But instead I, simply noticed. At first, I observed the deep primal pain of not belonging, of abandonment, rejection, of being invalidated, of not being enough. It was excruciating. But I looked on with curiosity and kept noticing. Allowing the pain, the intense primal feelings, without judgment, enabled them to surface – it allowed deep healing to happen.
I started going into the woods, going into nature and just being. Sadly I lost my home and our massive garden last year (note: that was 2018), got rid of most of my stuff, put the rest into storage. I planned on camping in the wilderness and melting back into the earth. Secretly, I wanted nature to enfold me back into her heart and for my heart to beat with the rhythm of nature forever. I lived on a shoe-string budget for a few months in the wilds of one the Canary Islands and spent most of my time in nature re-claiming myself.
It was helpful to keep observing loneliness, being careful to watch and allow, but not to fill the empty void. The more time I spent in nature, accepting ‘what is’, the more whole and complete I became. That time was incredibly reclusive, but divine. It showed me a deeper level of who I truly am and helped me realise that I need a healthy balance of solitude and connection.
Solitude is not the same as loneliness
I love being alone, but I really do not like being lonely. A paradox right? Well, they are two different things.
The paradox is that we are never truly alone when our heart is truly open. With openness, love, and self-honesty, we become connected to the light that flows through all things. I can be alone, either still, with my self, or alone in nature. I feel at peace, fulfilled and free. On the other hand, I can also feel lonely AF. These are moments when I have become disconnected from the light that flows through all things.
The answer to me became simple – when I feel lonely it is simply my souls’ way of reminding me to reconnect with the light that flows through all things (or the divine as I might call it).
How do I reconnect with the light in my heart?
How do I reconnect? It starts with a simple commitment to reconnect. For me, sometimes that means closing my eyes and feeling the light in my heart. Suddenly I am no longer alone because I am ‘connected’ to the divine.
When it is too difficult to reconnect with the light in my heart, I will return to nature. After a little while connecting with the trees, the meadow and the wilds of foliage and bird song, I re-set my self back to real-ness. If I am particularly challenged then it might take a few hours emersed in nature to feel my light again. For other people, it might be art, painting, dancing or singing. It’s whatever opens up our soul to the flow. When we touch that space we don’t feel lonely, because we feel connected EVEN if there are no other people around.
We must become so alone, so utterly alone, that we withdraw into our innermost self. It is a way of bitter suffering. But then our solitude is overcome, we are no longer alone, for we find that our innermost self is the spirit, that it is God, the indivisible. And suddenly we find ourselves in the midst of the world, yet undisturbed by its multiplicity, for our innermost soul we know ourselves to be one with all being.
Hermann Hesse
Connection with people – that is important, crucial in fact – yet true connection runs much deeper. First, it’s about the light in our heart and soul, it’s about what makes your heart sing, it’s about what stirs your soul. Then when we connect with people, we feel a proper connection.
True belonging is about finding a healthy balance between solitude, time in nature, touching our soul and connection with fellow human beings.
The courage to be ourselves
It takes a lot of courage to be ourselves! Sometimes it’s like standing out in the cold windy rain, exposed and vulnerable. It’s like venturing into the deep dark forest, never knowing if you will reach the crystal clear waterfall in the heart of the trees. Being ourselves is the boldest thing we will ever do. People who dare to be themselves with profound self-honesty are also those who find that they belong. People who dare to be themselves are those who overcome loneliness with a deeper sense of connection and authenticity with those they meet – quality not quantity – realness not superficiality.
The truth is: Belonging starts with self-acceptance. Your level of belonging, in fact, can never be greater than your level of self-acceptance, because believing that you’re enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic, vulnerable and imperfect.
Brene Brown
The courage to be ourselves may leave us out in the thrashing rain for a while and test us to the core, yet it leads to a deeper sense of connection and fulfillment than we can imagine. It’s the reason that now, I am able to return to an empty home, with nobody to greet me, with joy and appreciation, with the richness of human spirit and the delight of solitude. It is because I am willing to feel into the deep dark well of my loneliness until I find the light beyond it all. Life is so much better because I am willing to show up and be real, no matter what.
It means when I show up for others I can be myself. It means that I can mix with people, from any walk of life, because I am not looking for similarities, I am looking to celebrate the diversity of human connection. We all have a human spirit and we are all in this together.
When we find courage within ourselves, to be real, it sends a signal out, so that the people around us also unleash their own courage. I used to think it was rare; interestingly, now I see it everywhere!
At the innermost core of all loneliness is a deep and powerful yearning for union with one’s lost self.
Brendan Behan
Ways to overcome loneliness and find soul
Appreciate the people around you:
We may have differences. Drop judgments because everyone has had a tough journey. Be willing to see the divine in everyone. If others don’t ‘meet you’ in that place of non-judgment and open-heartedness, then give it some time, show up anyway, because sometimes things shift. First, we must learn to appreciate what is right in front of us (note: obviously if what is in front of us is dangerous, then leave or get help).
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field.
I’ll meet you there.”
Recognise that there is light in all people:
I’ve tested this to the moon and back, through abuse, through forgiveness, with really ‘nasty buggers’. To truly belong in this world, non-judgment is important and acknowledgment that we are all inextricably connected is a fundamental part of the human journey. This is not to say we should abandon discernment. Most of us have had a tough ride with toxic characters in our lives at some point or another, but there is always something deeper. We are in this together. When one of us rises, we all begin to rise.
Spend time alone without distractions:
Take time to watch and notice what comes up for you. Observing loneliness is a powerful precursor to overcoming it and becoming comfortable in your own skin. It is probably not going to be easy, but the rewards are exponential. Notice the emptiness and realise that emptiness is an important part of creating space to ‘be’ you.
Spend time in the woodlands with trees and plantlife:
Feel the healing energy of trees and plants. There is a whole community of living sentient life. Plantlife offers a space where you can be completely yourself. The trees will not judge you or expect you to be any other way. The woodland or forest is a powerful place to reclaim yourself. There is a whole science behind why (but I will save that for another story). Nature is an excellent place to find peace and calm, to feel excepted and seen. Hug a tree and just watch, notice what happens to your energy field.
Seek out social situations without expectation:
You never know who you will cross paths with. It takes time to build deep meaningful connections, but we have to start somewhere. Volunteering for a cause you believe in or joining a group that interests you are often places where we can meet interesting people. People love working together for a common cause. Be brave, be bold, be honest with yourself. There may (or may not) be people with whom you resonate, but just allow yourself to be and keep exploring. I can guarantee you if you talk with people, there are always people who have fascinating stories to share and there is always something to learn that you didn’t know. Some of my deepest most meaningful conversations are with people who are completely opposite to me in many ways – yet there is always a spark of the divine between us. If you don’t feel comfortable, give it some time and don’t be afraid to keep looking elsewhere.
Thank you for reading. I hope that you’ve found a little spark of something in this. Feel free to re-share. Feel free to comment and share your own experience or enquire deeper.
Soul to Soul
Thank you Anastasia.
This touches me in ways I can’t describe. You manage to find and express the universality in your situations, thus allowing me to feel the depths of my own connection.
Heart warming, heart opening, heart expanding…
Thank you
Beyond measure – thank you!
Thank you for sharing your journey with us, can feel that you have been deeply hurt with all the in-depth knowledge you gained through this, can see that was a high price to pay, but made you even a more special person. Let me share something with you now. A few years ago when I was going through a break down, I used to watch your videos over and over again, found it was very calming and healing, I think that Devine spark was coming through you then . Thank you Anastasia,
Wow Zsuzanna – how divine and precious. I have had a feeling for the longest time that it is important to share, because it might just make a difference to someone else, somewhere, somehow that I might not ever even know about.
I can’t say enough to thank you for all you took the time to share that has helped me during a season when nothing has helped me get out of the place in my inner self of just not knowing how I am going to move on when I am experiencing all that you shared. I never have ever had the thought in my head that I need to first belong to myself. Thanks again life changing information
To hear that Teresa, makes sharing all worthwhile.
I highly recommend the book ‘Braving the Wilderness’ by Brene Brown, if you are feeling that it is time to make changes and move on.
Kindest blessings
Dearest Anastasia, There was no chance of you leaving us, because we who have followed you for a while, knew and loved the real you right from the start. The fact that you also embraced a name-change during this testing period, says it all for me. We know your infinite value, and hope you also know it now. Love and immense thanks always.
That means so much Karen. It was also my saving grace that I had already set my conscious kitchen work in motion, before it all kicked off. Deep gratitude and love.
Beautifully put. I have been intensely lonely in many ways since a spiritual awakening, ironically. Simply as I see the world in a much deeper depth to other people, feel a lot more, and have all kinds of knowledge and experiences which can’t be talked about in general company. This world is in many ways blander and bleaker than other places I’ve walked in and have tuned into. But while we’re human, we have an effect and a job with other humans, even if it’s only low-key contact. Even if I can’t talk about what’s important to me I can see the essence of people and can meet them on their wavelength. As for nature – it’s a wonderfully wonderful healer and companion. It makes you realise humans and all our concepts and ideas are just a small and relatively insignificant species in the great scheme of things. Much love to you on your path. Alex
Hi Alex, thank you for sharing. I understand it can be lonely on the spiritual path at times. For me it came full circle and embracing my humanity and human-beingness has been an important key. I find so much richness and delightful curiosity by connecting with people from all walks of life. with love to you too.
Anastasia, thank you so much!
It is a huge blessing for me to read this today.
I have turned my back on most connections in this crazy world for a long time now.
I am finally open to a new kind of connection and I hear your words with huge gratitude.
I will read this again and again when the way forward feels more difficult than I can handle.
Huge hugs,
I feel you Pam, and am so happy we can join hands and know that we are all connected to inspire each other. It can indeed be a crazy world. I’ve found that always digging deeper to find aspects of myself that I’ve not yet touched keeps me moving forward.
Huge hugs to you and thanks so much for your beautiful comment.
Thank you for sharing. The universe has just made my path come across your blog and I thank him. I have had a difficult few months where I have felt very lonely despite having a house full of 3 beautiful (yet challenging) children. Your words are so beautiful and resonate with how I am feeling. Slowly I am going back to nature working the soil and growing my own vegetables and it is helping me. I will come back to this blog to help me overcome my loneliness. Thank you
Thanks for sharing Gaelle. I am glad to know that what I’ve shared has made its way over to you.
Growing veggies is so precious. I recently moved into a rented house and am so so looking fwd to growing veggies again. with love x
This has touched me deeply. Thank you so much for your honesty and bravery. Your courage is inspiring and the raw pain you felt is heartbreaking, but, it has encouraged me greatly.
Thank you. Bless you.
Thank you Sandi!
Dear Anastasia. Thank you dearly for sharing this. I could feel an abundance of energy wash through me when readying your words. It felt divine and so very beautiful. I always knew years ago when on retreats how you were so special to us all there, and probably the reason I was there. I feel honoured to have met you and want to thank you for your divine inspiration and love.
Wishing love and blessings are returned to you ten fold and more.
Thank you so much
Oh wow, that is so touching to hear Claire – really touching!
That means so much – love and gratitude.
Dear Anastasia,
Such profound insight. Thank you for sharing your vulnerabilities. Such honesty touches my soul with yours.
Love you,
That’s so so beautiful to know Hannelore.
Biggest heart full of love to you!
Thank you Anastasia for sharing YOU and how – like a PHOENIX – you have risen from the ashes.
I have been blessed to feel the presence of my guardian angel – touching me ( literally) and leading me to trust my own voice.
A voice full of LOVE and when we do everything with true LOVE – we recognize we have always been enough.
Not our fault that others don’t feel the LOVE. Toxic people have no place in my circle.
All the negativity has been turned inside out as it has inspired my creativity
It has inspired me to give away most of my stuff. I feel sooo good when I do that.
II came from dysfunctional parenting. We didn’t have a lot of money BUT I had a Grandmother who cared.
Nature, herb gardening, Art, and cooking,
have saved me so many many times.
I will continue to read this blog AND continue to read Desiderata.
I am learning how to draw angels.
I hope you feel your guardian angel with her wings wrapped around you.
I am working to learn to draw ANGELS and create Mandela’s.
Hi Ana: Thank you for sharing your experiences and revelations of the heart that came out of your brokenness and breakdown so a higher way of being could spring forth like the beautiful flower that bursts through rocky terrain. It is indeed about connecting to the Divine light and love within where all resides. Deeply moving and inspiring. I salute your honesty and courage. Much love🌸💗🌸
Thank you so much for feeling into this Catherine and sharing… I really appreciate that.
with love xx
I was telling someone tonight about a deep hurt I recently experienced from a very long term friend. This hurt has triggered similar behavioural hurts from a close relative. It’s very painful but I’m sitting with it. Then your blog appeared and the quote by Jung both spoke to me. I have studied Carl Jung. I found your old cooking website through someone who had done an Open hand course. That didn’t resonate with me but you and your wonderful cooking did. I sense that you are really being there and thank you for sharing your authenticity.
The journey can be tough – big hugs. As long as we keep sitting with it and finding self-love (and there were times, especially at first, when I could NOT sit with it and I just had to let that run its course). I’d love to read more from Carl Jung, what I’ve gleaned already always has inspired me.
Thank you for sharing and being here.
What a beautiful article. I’ve sent it on to a couple of close friends. Going through a tough time at present and it arrived at the right time. Thank you.
Thank you for sharing… if it can help others then all is worthwhile.
Your article really touched my heart – thank you for being brave and authentic enough to put it out there. I have been exploring aloneness and loneliness and I know what a painful experience it is. I too need to be alone quite a lot of the time, like I need air to breathe and food and water to sustain me, but sometimes loneliness pierces my heart and I cry out that I am a soul having a human experience and sometimes humans just need a cuddle! It is still work in progress and sometimes it is hard to find the light to fill the emptiness, but sometimes I get an unexpected ‘etheric cuddle’ from a warm loving presence whose love and compassion makes me cry with joy and gratitude.
I find it so helpful that someone I see as being further along their spiritual path than I am, still struggles with the same stuff I do and has the courage to say so. It makes me feel so much more connected on a soul level than I could feel with someone who apparently is ‘beyond all that’ and could so easily make me feel inadequate if I let them.
Thank you for your courage and your authenticity – I see you!
With love,
Thank you so much for showing up and sharing your own experience and feelings Pam.
I think this is why it is so important for me to step forward with an article like this because I do not want anyone to feel ‘less than’ or inadequate because they think someone is further along the path. I took phenomenal courage to publish the article – I was literally shaking! But my soul said ‘this might help someone – and if it helps just one other person in this precious world, then it is worth it’.
I believe that we all have gifts and we all have something to learn from each other. The people who helped me, the people literally saved my life, it was nothing to do with how far along the spiritual path they were. It was their depths of compassion and kindness that made a difference. It was their humanity. It was their ability to love unconditionally. It was non-judgment. It was their ability to reflect my light back to me in my darkest hour. That’s what made the world of difference. It didn’t matter where they were on the spiritual path or wether they’d had a profound spiritual awakening. Not at all. They simply showed up. They were real. That’s what matters.
I know various people who appear or claim to be ‘further down the spiritual path’ who claim to be enlightened or a master – who in fact are actually abusive to their students or their partners – or exude covert curruption of various sorts. Often they are just really good at putting on an act or good spiritual sales-people. None of those people showed up for me when I was suicidal. Not one! It was the ordinary people who showed up. It taught me something deeply profound about the true nature of spirituality.
I really appreciate your comment Pam. Especially as you have known me in my old and new world! I had no idea you were tuning in here! with love and gratitude Ana x
Thank you, Anastasia, for having the courage to write this article. The unseen forces in the universe led me to find it tonight. I am early in my journey of spiritual awakening, which I have been on for a while, and became clear to me through an epiphany two months ago. Your article resonated with me, and helped me see and define things on my journey. Wow. I also have chosen unconditional love, which has changed my life. Thank you, thank you! Much love, Chris.
Thank you Chris and how wonderful to have you here.
Love to you too.
Ana, a dying star implodes with density and darkness before it changes direction and expands out into a Supernova, then a dust cloud nebula. From there it begins to create again; we all come from that. Your reach is infinite! Thanks for the reminders that we all share inside. Mike
Wow! My heart just burst wide open again and again.
What an experience along the path! I was introduced to a community to deepin my awareness of who I am, something like that. I was carrying a lot of baggage that just kept growing. All my life or for as long as I can remember I felt different ,alone and suicidal. This community was what I needed to unpack and “go through all that baggage”. I knew you were under-going a change, I just did not since the depth.
There was another Anastasia which I mistook you for.
WOW, It took sometime to figure out that it was not you, the Anastasia I grew to know. I felt like a hole was now in my life, For that feeling of love was just not there in the depth I felt from you.
I didn’t know how to reach out.
Over time I did realise that the love you emit comes from all of us and you my friend are like a lighthouse in a storm. Helping to guild us to safety as you forge forward on your path.
For me my path is only seen when my foot touches the ground or I look back from which I travelled. And sometimes I need to look back to see all that is, the light was there all the time even in the darkest hours.
with much Love and more gratitude,
Thank you for you kind comment Charlie.
Huge love Ana 🤗 beautiful article which resonates deeply 💕 your journey, authenticity and courage are an ongoing inspiration to me, you never gave up and shine brighter and more solidly than ever 🥰
Huge Love right back to you Amy!
That melts me to read. We are all in this together and it feels like when one rises, we all rise.
Absolutely! 💃
Ana – oh my! I have not read anything so raw and so real in quite some time. Your ‘break-down’ was actually your incredible spiritual ‘breath-through’! Unfortunately, our soul’s design requires these walk-through-fire moments to truly reach the next level of our awareness, purpose, and presence here on Earth school. Many, many moons ago I went through something both painful and profound – much like you. I absolutely no longer fit within the culture I was born into, the family that gave me life or the friends I had chosen and who had chosen me. It just all came crumbling down in a giant avalanche. So with almost zero money, no job, no partner, I relocated far away, jumped off the deep end of a dark abyss (with no compass) and swam up to the surface. The Universe rose up to greet me just as it is for you now and I built a real and honest life just as you are doing now. It’s just amazing how we’re never really alone and how we are given exactly what we need when we need it – even the most excruciating pain. Much love and congratulations to you! The dawn of your new life is shining brightly…thank you for sharing this moment in time with us. <3
Thank you Linda! I feel such a powerful energy in your words. It expands my heart. Resonating. Thanks in abundance for checking in here and sharing. Big heart full of love.
My Dear Sweet Anastasia,
” See Me ” two small profound words that lead many of us to do or act in ways that we actually detach from humanity, it happens to many of us . Many of us have tried to quiet the screaming of not belonging , the loneliness and end the inner pain inside ourselves. For those that have never reached such depths in their lives would not understand the emotional heartbreak inside us that has us broken and defeated and screaming to “See Me ” I am broken please help me restore my faith in myself .
I’ve been there several times in my life . Looking back I know I had help but not the kind I truly needed , I had support and I certainly had pity . You don’t just fix a person when they are broken with a hug or suggest you understand when they truly don’t have a clue . .How can they unless they are in the abyss with you .The heartbreak comes when you are asking , begging telling them what you need and they walk away. They hide from the embarrassment of you . A total disconnect !
I am truly sorry this has happened to you , in the same breath it is part of the path you had to journey to find your true light and purpose. You are still travelling and I am thankful to walk beside you on this path together , without judgement just kinship and respect .You encourage us all with your words and sharing of your experiences. You exude love and life and we all feel that goose bump when we see your exquisite smiling face .
“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.”Henry Ford .
Let’s take those next steps together as a support system that does not judge and truly loves to hugs trees and be One .
Love xxx
Thank you so much, Barbara, for sharing. I feel grateful that you have also touched such depths because ultimately it is an incredible gift. When one person falls apart it does take courage for another to ‘be there’ because it is just like a mirror. It takes courage and humility to look in that mirror.
with love
”Living in the love of the common people” … help & support comes from unexpected directions during our ‘hour of need’
Indeed 🙂
A bit late reading this – but WOW – nail on the head comes to mind. Thank you deeply for sharing. See you next month. Love & virtual hugs, Teri.
Thank you Teri. Looking forward to seeing you on retreat.
Love and hugs Ana x
Thank you so much for being you. I struggle with letting others in so far to who I am. You give me courage to tell my story which I don’t find very exciting but now believe that it might touch and encourage someone else. Peace and blessings.
P.S. I love your recipes and I purchased one of your books…wish I could do more to help.
Big heart full of love to you Beverley!
This whole website is full of things that make me so happy to read. Recently I’ve been diving into my deeper side and spirit, and I’ve had so many times of realization and healing since then. I’ve been looking for more information about finding my center and balancing my energy, and this was exactly what I needed. I will read this and come back to this so many times. Thank you for sharing this, I feel connected to so many things and this just helps me understand those things even more. Yesterday I just smiled being so grateful to know the people I know, have the good relationships I have with my family, and to be on a good path in life. There was a time where I didn’t have good family relationships or a good path in front of me, but since I’ve been more spiritual, I’ve been able to find the path I need to take and spend more time with my family. I’ve opened my heart and mind, and ever since, I’ve been in a place where I can finally feel self acceptance and joy. Thank you for writing this.
That is so beautiful to read B. Thank you for your comment and taking the time to share.
Keep unfolding. Keep being you.
With Love x
Reading your account has resonated and touched me so much thank you. It has encouraged and reminded me to find and use my inner strength that I thought I had lost and brought back shafts of hope.Thank you xx
Happy to hear that Alexis.
Thank you so much for your wonderful post.
I am on the same journey. From being so much a people-person; to being shocked numerously by people’s behaviours and attitudes – so beyond my comprehension; to be closed-off; to being lonely; to finding my solitude; to reconnecting to nature…
But I feel my soul is bleeding. I have a husband, 2 kids, a mother, a brother, a sister, 3 nephews, 2 aunts, 8 cousins …… and yet I have no-one. I honestly have no-one.
The huge amount of doubt and questioning I spent trying to understand what is going on? What is not working? Why do they all seem to get along – yet deep down, no-one really is emotionally affected by anyone or anything. No authenticity. No real meaningful relationship – none. Just following the social protocol that keeps it looking like one entity.
Oh my God. It drove my crazy. I started observing behaviours and understanding patterns. I started paying attention and researching what I saw.
From emotionally explosive person, to emotionally draining person, to emotionally dry & aloof person, to black & white – right & wrong – emotionally unintelligent person, to patronizing / condescending person, to sour bitter person, to emotionally disconnected person… and on & on.
All are good people. All will care if I die. All will try to help in their own way if I ask for help. But I am not alive with them. Actually to be more honest, I hate my life with them. I really do. Everyone I deal with for a short period of time, I feel I want to run to the other side of the globe from. I put on many acts to get along and pretend but my soul is bleeding. It really is.
Because of the doubt and the many many many years with those people, I want to flee away but I don’t want to be with people ever again which makes my soul bleed even more.
I want out. I am desperately in need of an out. I feel I can’t breathe living with those people. It is very sad.
Thanks for reading.
Thank you so much for this. I’ve never felt as if I belong anywhere. I grew up feeling I was switched at birth due to being nothing like my family. Because of this feeling I’ve isolated myself, alone with my own thoughts & internal pain. To live your entire life feeling different from everyone you’ve been around & like no one can relate is a difficult life to live. I found this article after days of not being able to talk, eat or sleep. Today I almost gave up. I decided to look one more time for some sign of hope, which I’ve been searching for for days, and out of everything I’ve read this article made me smile & feel something other than endless deep suffering. Again, THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing this. It means a lot to me & others who feel similar. Love & Light ❤️
Keep going! Keep looking for the way – embrace that you are different.
with love
This is exactly what I needed! Thank you!
“I don’t want to end up simply having visited this world.” -Mary Oliver
Happy to hear that.
Really resonate with that Mary Oliver quote.
Dear Anastasia,
I´ve been following your recipes for a couple of years and had wondered about what made you change your name and website some time ago … I´m so happy and grateful that you are so open and share this article/ piece of the heart with us. I´ve had and have moments where I don´t know what the hell I am doing and what I am looking for. This feeling of being lost. This crazy yearning for something, that seemingly nothing can fulfill. And just recently I started to go more and more in contact with nature. So I love your percpective on belonging and being connected! Thank you thank you thank you!
Soul to soul – beautiful
Ahhhw thanks for tuning in. Yes it’s important to keep reflecting to each other about these important subjects.
I woke up at four in the morning, I decided to look online for inspiration for dealing with loneliness and I found your beautiful words relaying the honesty and truth of your experience. Your sharing has helped me see a new perspective and lightened my load.
Deep betrayal and the cognitive dissonance reactions of people I trusted and believed in have caused the foundation of my reality to be ripped out from underneath my life. It was as if my beautiful soul was stolen to be used by my betrayer and they left me theirs in its place. I am working on finding my way back to my core self. I am gaining trust in myself and allowing myself to believe in the goodness of others. Authentic honesty and truth from others shine so brightly to me now, like a beacon of light and safety helping to light the way back to myself.
Thank you so much
I am so pleased to read this pious piece of writing. Big hug to the divine soul. My situation is so relatable at the right time. Much love.
I came across this post while looking into what it means/feels like to truly belong. I also almost ended my life in 2017. When I first admitted I was suffering people didn’t believe me – I was always the one laughing and joking and smiling. Surprise – that was all FAKE!!! It was my way of hiding years of pain and loneliness. I was seconds away from ending all the pain, but I somehow found the strength to fight. I am still healing, still struggling with loneliness and lack of belonging (lost most of my family due to my narcissistic mother and needing to protect myself from her), but I keep fighting. With the help of my amazing psychologist, I have come a long way. This post really spoke to me. Thank you for sharing.
Hi CG,
Thank you for sharing. I am so glad that you’ve found an amazing pyschologist. That can make the world of difference as it is extremely complex when having to unravel from narcissistic abuse.
I am so glad to hear that this spoke to you.
Kindest blessings and love for your journey of healing
Truly what I needed in my life right now, as I am suffering from being so lost in life right now.
This give me hope I can be found.
thank you so very much for sharing your story; xoxoxo; I have been through very similar; I love your recipes and just made the orange gingerbread cake, it is in the oven now xoxoxox
Glad that you resonate. Enjoy your cake!!!
Such a beautiful writing and so amazing to have you share this, dearest Ana, Love and hugs and always here .. on or off the internet. I have come off FB again.. and feeling much need to be here and present and with people who make my heart sing. Bringing things back to a smaller circle and in person for sure is a much better connection and feeling. Hope to see you sometime soon. xxx
Beautifully written and expressed, Anastasia. I love that more of us are bravely showing up in this way, as our sharing helps others on their own path through life. Blessed day to you, Ani Dancing Light
Thank you for such a beautiful comment and your reflection. I very much appreciate it.