What an incredible way to start the day! This is a blend designed to really set you up for the day, with a sustained boost of energy and its high protein, nutritious and adaptogenic qualities. It’s an easy, fast way to support yourself nutritionally, if you have a busy or stressful schedule, because it is just loaded with supportive stuff.

It works in two ways…

  • as a smoothie in a bowl along with extra toppings
  • a regular smoothie in a large glass all by itself

It’s delicious both ways. I sometimes like to sprinkle on some extra seeds or my favourite home-made gluten-free granola for a bit of extra crunch.

Happy Hemp Maca Bowl by Trinity Bourne

Maca is an incredible plant, growing at extremely high altitudes (7000ft and above) in the Peruvian Mountains. It’s very hardy with noteworthy adaptogenic properties. An adoptgen is something that helps you cope in stressful situations – physically, mentally and energetically. Maca is well known for supporting and regulating the endocrine system in both men and women. The endocrine system is responsible for healthy functioning of hormones (which are essential for regulation of energy levels, digestion, brain function, the nervous system, fertility and wellness in general). Many women have noticed that it helps to balance hormones reducing menopausal and pre-menstrual symptoms, whilst men have observed that it helps support fertility and sexual functions.

I’ve talked loads about the remarkable benefits of hemp recently. It’s been used for both food and medicinal purposes for thousands of years, although only recently ventured back into the realms of popularity. It is a true, tried n’ tested superfood: a complete protein; loaded with essential fats including the much sought after omega 3; it’s brimming with anti-oxidants. Check out my article to read more about hemp here: Health Benefits of Hemp Seed

Tahini sesame seedsA note about tahini. I use a little tahini in this recipe. This not only adds an extra dose of deliciousness to the mix, but it also helps to slow down the release of the fruit sugar from the banana – helping to sustain your energy levels for longer. There are lots of different tahini’s out there… with different tastes (and to be quite frank, it can be a bit off-putting if you get a grainy bitter one). Make sure you get a creamy light hulled version. I tend to avoid the raw ones as they just don’t do if for me. In the UK, Suma, Essentials, Sunita and Cypressa do the best ones. They are all creamy and delicious and they both also do organic, light versions. In the USA my good friend Jen put me onto Achva Organic Tahini which I recommend for my North American readers. Jen did not like tahini until she found that one. Now she’s a big fan… so I am thrilled that she didn’t give up!

I must warn you though, if you stumble on to a delicious source of tahini, you’ll probably get hooked on the stuff, just like we have!

So now we know what is so incredibly good about this breakfast smoothie bowl, let’s make it…


Happy Hemp Superfood Breakfast Bowl with maca and tahini

Happy Hemp Superfood Breakfast Bowl with maca and tahini

Yield: 1 bowl
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes

A super healthy smoothie bowl with hemp protein, maca, tahini and ripe banana.


  • 1 large ripe banana
  • 1 small frozen banana
  • 1 heaped tablespoon of hemp protein
  • 1 heaped teaspoon of maca powder
  • 200ml (2/3 cup) of vanilla plant-based milk
  • 1 heaped teaspoon tahini

Optional extras:

  • Sprinkle of gluten-free, sugar-free granola
  • Sprinkle of seeds
  • Sprinkle of dessicated coconut
  • A few chunks of fresh berries


  • Chop the fresh banana into rough chunks and add to the jug with the frozen banana, plant milk, maca, and hemp protein powder and blend until creamy smooth.
  • If you want to drink as a smoothie then pour into a glass an enjoy right away.
  • If you fancy having a smoothie bowl then simply add the toppings of your choice and enjoy with a spoon.
  • Did you make this recipe?

    Please leave a comment on the blog or share a photo on Instagram


    For another great way to use hemp protein powder check out this delicious smoothie recipe:

    Hemp protein power smoothie by Trinity Bourne

    If you like this recipe then you’ll love my Raw Hemp Protein Power Balls recipe.

    Check out my article for lots more about the incredible hemp seed benefits: Why are hemp seeds essential for health?