Just dancing in my kitchen here, weaving, twisting, and twirling, and seeing which recipes want to come into being this week. Delighted to say that sweet potato hemp burgers have happened. This was also requested by readers on my facebook page 🙂 so here we go!

Left to my own devices, I tend to gravitate to seeds in my cuisine. There’s something about the way they make me feel. Perhaps it’s the way their energy dances with me, nourishing me, infusing their high vibrational goodness into my body.

Maybe I just like the way they taste when grilled or baked. I mean grilling (broiling in the USA) brings out a depth of flavour that excites the taste buds.

Sweet potato hemp seed burgers with pumpkin seed and spices vegan & gluten-free


Breaking it all down in a food processor or blender first

OK, so you will need a food processor for this (or blender). You are going to break down the seeds (as well as hemp seeds we also slip in pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds for good measure) to a meal first.

Then we add the grated sweet potato, spices, seasoning, and coconut – blend it up – shape into patties – couldn’t be easier really.

Nutritional benefits of hemp seeds

In this recipe, I am embracing the nutritional benefits of hemp seeds. If you have been tuning in to my blog or books for any time, then you will know that hemp seeds feature regularly in what I do. I just LOVE ’em! Be sure that you get the ‘hulled’ (shelled) seeds (also called hemp seed hearts)… because if you get ones with the husks still on you’ll have a gritty burger (noooooo thanks!).

Why do I love hemp seeds? They have noteworthy health benefits, not least that they give nature’s perfect balance of omega 3 & omega 6 essential fats.

Of course, we are also talking ‘complete protein’ in that they contain all 21 known amino acids (the building blocks of protein) including the 9 essential ones that human beings can’t produce themselves. As well as growth and repair, protein is responsible for making neurotransmitters, our internal messaging service that sends the signals around your body to make it function. Hemp comes up top for protein power and is well recognised as a superfood by those seeking a healthy protein source. Read All About Hemp Seeds & Their Benefits HERE


Sweet potato hemp seed burgers with pumpkin seed and spices vegan & gluten-free

Sweet Potato Hemp Burgers crispy outside & moist inside

Honestly, I can eat these hemp burgers on their own with nothing else, even without sauce.

They are crisp on the outside and delightfully moist on the inside, jam-packed with flavour. That said, they do also serve nicely with loads of things. They also work well with tomato or tahini-based sauces.

I like them with salad. A friend popped round yesterday afternoon (right after I’d made another batch haha – I am sure it was planned!!) and said he was making potato wedges and beans for dinner, so I sent him off with three hemp burgers – perfect combo!

A recipe from my Kind Earth Cookbook

You might recognise this delicious plan-based burger from the front page of my cookbook…

Kind Earth Cookbook Cover

OK before we get to the recipe – a quick shout out for sweet potatoes. We are using them raw and grated in this recipe, no pre-cooking needed (easy-peasy!).

Did you know…  sweet potatoes are especially high in vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene)… in fact, one sweet potato is said to carry at least 400% of your RDA!

They also have high levels of Vitamin C & the B vitamins, manganese, potassium, copper, phosphorus, antioxidants – to name a few. Here’s another delicious recipe for sweet potato fans too: Turmeric & Ginger Sweet Potato Soup

Sweet potato hemp seed burgers with pumpkin seed and spices vegan & gluten-free

Sweet Potato Hemp Burgers - high vibe gluten-free vegan deliciousness

Yield: 8
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 25 minutes

An easy sweet potato hemp burger with pumpkin seeds and coconut.


  • 100g hemp seeds (shelled)
  • 100g pumpkin seeds
  • 50g sunflower seeds
  • 175g sweet potato (i.e. a smallish one)
  • 50g creamed coconut
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • A big twist of black pepper
  • ½ teaspoon nutmeg (freshly grated)
  • 2 teaspoons onion powder
  • 1 tablespoon ground coriander
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin


  1. Grind the seeds to a meal in a food processor or blender. You are looking for a rustic meal (some fine, some rough).
  2. Peel and grate your sweet potato.
  3. Grate your creamed coconut block (or coconut butter). Be SURE not to use coconut cream by mistake as this will make it too soggy. You need to use this stuff HERE which comes in a solid block.
  4. Add all ingredients to the food processor and blend thoroughly, until everything combines. You should be able to press together with your fingers and have it stick together perfectly.
  5. Shape into 8 to 10 patties.
  6. You can pop them into the fridge for a while to firm up if you like (not essential).
  7. Pop them under the grill (broiler in the USA) and tan on both sides (about 7 minutes each side, depending on your grill).
  8. Enjoy immediately or eat cold at your leisure.

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Sweet potato hemp seed burgers with pumpkin seed and spices vegan & gluten-free


