Spirit of the dolphin to heal us back to wholeness

Dolphins are incredible creatures with an abundance of inspiration as animal spirit guides. Whether they are showing up in our dreams or we are simply drawn to their energy, they come with a gift of insight in our spiritual journey. Let's explore the deeper meaning of the Spirit of the Dolphin... Trusting in Ourselves: "Dolphins [...]

Why does ‘making food with love’ skyrocket your spiritual health?

You’ve probably already noticed that being happy or peaceful in the kitchen, mysteriously makes your food taste delicious. Well, there is a good reason for it. I consistently get comments from guests that eat my food on retreats like... 'I can really feel the loving energy in the food when I eat it' 'your food [...]

7 Boundary Exercises for Empaths and Caring, Kind People

As empaths and caring, feeling people, we often forget that boundaries are our birthright. The concept of boundaries might even sound restrictive and limiting to some. Yet the paradox is that boundaries actually mean freedom. To draw that line means freedom to fully feel the innate beauty of our innermost selves - the freedom to [...]

Travel Tips for Empaths & Highly Sensitive People

Travel can enrich the soul and broaden horizons, opening our hearts and minds to new possibilities. In today’s busy world, however, it can be overwhelming for those of us who are empaths or sensitives.  Especially since we seem to sense and feel everything around us, and experience overwhelm easily. If your senses are on over-drive [...]

Life will challenge us to the core! So how do we actually find peace?

As I've gotten older in years, I've realised that the challenges of life don't escape any of us. Life tests us to the core. It can thrash us around in a whirlwind of torrents.  It can even feel like we have very little choice in the matter. Yet do we? We can't control what is [...]

A peek behind the scenes on the conscious kitchen weekend

We've been enjoying the most delightful, soul-inspired time together on the Conscious Kitchen Retreats here in England. I've created the space for a handful of guests to gather together, relax and unleash soul in the kitchen. The next retreat is coming up in April! What do we do on retreat? It's all about finding your [...]

Seven Healing Herbs for Anxiety & Stress (and anxiety in a nutshell)

Anxiety in a nutshell... Anxiety is a normal response to a stressful situation. It is an emotion that we all experience at some point. It keeps us alert and ready for action as a survival mechanism, allowing us to react quickly to life-threatening situations. In short, a marvellous medley of hormonal changes and physiological responses [...]

The importance of grounding for empaths and sensitive people

Let's talk about grounding for empaths. As an empath, I have always been somewhat 'ethereal' in nature. Being ethereal can feel rather blissful, expansive and freeing. A welcomed relief from the intensity of being an empath. When I say 'ethereal' in nature I really mean, finding peace by being a bit disconnected from the earthly [...]
